Friday 20 March 2009

shitty day

I'm having a shitty day.

There's a bid I'm doing and it's not going well. I kinda guessed it wouldn't and it's clearly a total mess and an utter waste of time.

What makes it worse is that I have no idea why we're bidding it - it holds almost no relevance for us and we won't hardly do any of the work I imagine.

What makes it annoying is that the people who will do all the work have utterly dropped the ball. They were given extremely clear instructions on what to do and what they returned to us utterly failed to meet those instructions.

Plus it was late and considering they've done virtually fuck all, that lateness is just plain insulting.

What I was really hoping was my boss would just say fuck it - don't bother. These people haven't held up their end so why are we bending over backwards to get the bid done?

It's times like this I wish I could just fuck off somewhere and get drunk.

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