Friday 10 July 2009

bobbage and bittage

Got an e-mail yesterday saying newtype, animage and animedia were on there way. This seems far too soon to me - I'm sure they're not normally published until the 10th, but if I get them before the weekend then that will be quite useful as I could potentially get them scanned.

Dunno - it's seeming likely to be quite a bity weekend at the moment, with quite a few things I either need to (mostly cleaning and shopping related) or could do. Here's a sample:

The portable hard-drive I use for storing the fansubs I download is rapidly filling up. There's quite a few shows that I've either kyboshed or have come to a natural end, so there's plenty I can burn to DVD.

It's a bit of a tedious job at times, though, is burning DVDs. But it needs to be done.

Then there's e-baying: I've got a stacker-box full of stuff now that could do with e-baying. Some of it's a little unlikely to sell as it's not from popular anime or manga series, so I've not a huge hope of making a lot money, but even a small cash injection wouldn't hurt now.

e-baying is tedious to get started. There's all the farting about with taking, then cropping and resizing the photos. Plus there's weighing them and working out the postage costs (Royal Mail seems to increase the price of something every couple of months :/). And then there's writing the actual auction notes - I've a template, but it's still rather tedious.

I should also do a batch of ironing. It's not desperately necessary, because recently I've bought a few new shirts and I've plenty to spare, but the recent heat wave caused me to use up all my short-sleeve shirts. I've now got them back from the laundrettes, so I'd like to get them ironed in case we get another hot spell.

Then there's scanning of course - megami is here and the other mags are a possibility, but I've also got a couple of artbooks I should scan.

And mentioning the scans, I need to archive the scans I took in recent months. That always takes ages as I have to work out what series stuff is from.

There's the German Grand Prix this weekend too. I shall watch that, obviously, but there's also the US motoGP that was on last week. I've not had a chance to watch that - being in the states, it was naturally on quite late here in the UK.

Then of course there's my original plan - updating the website stuffs. Part of me feels I should hold back on the websites until my walling picks up a bit more, but I dunno it's been a long time without any updates.

I'd also thought about giving the car a quick clean as well - this summer weather really brings out the bugs, which seem to be magnetically attracted to my bumper. But the forecast isn't so good this weekend, so it may not be possible.

My, what an exciting life I lead!

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