Friday 11 December 2009

work chrimbo meal

Today is the work Christmas Meal day.

Basically, every Christmas, the company pays for us all to go out for a meal. Now the last few years we've always gone to the same place, but this year we're trying somewhere different.

Well, I say different - we've actually been there a couple of times before, but it's under new management, so it's effectively different.

Today also is when I have to do the handover stuff from a RED employee. Basically he's quit, so I have to go through some stuff with him.

I've mixed feeling about his quitting. He's an alright guy, but then he's also the guy who I moaned about because he tapped his feet and used to drive me insane. To be frank, he was also a bit of a slacker - if you didn't constantly give him stuff to do, he'd happily sit there all day on the internet. But then equally, when he did have stuff to do - especially analysis stuff - he was pretty good at it.

Plans for the weekend are pretty much non-existent.

I'm kinda aware that next week is my last week of work before I go on holiday for Christmas (hurrah), so I think my brain is going into that "well, I'll just do it next week when I'm on holiday" mode. Which is fair enough for some things, but really on others I should be trying to get them out of the way, so that I can properly enjoy my time off without having to worry about them.

So yeah, I'll either have one of those weekends where I do tonnes or absolutely bugger all. Place your bets now.

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