Wednesday 1 September 2010

more loss (thank god)

I was terribly afraid that when I weighed myself on Sunday I would discover I had gained weight.

My fear was born of several issues.

First off, when I did my first official weigh-in, I was shocked to find I'd apparently "lost" 5 pounds. However, this 5 pound loss was compared to the impromptu and not to be taken seriously measurement I did when I first got the scales.

There were of course many possible explanations - I was fully clothed when I first did it and it was at the end of the day, rather than the beginning, being very high up the list. I was also afraid that I'd made an error of some kind, however, I repeated the measurement and got the exact same result. But however much I counselled myself that it wasn't real, I was delighted with this apparent result.

So I was afraid that this time I'd be higher simply because I wasn't really as low as I'd thought I was, if you see what I mean.

The second issue was that I'd not really started the week very well both in terms of diet and exercise. I mean, it wasn't bad in the sense of sitting on my arse all day, eating 3 pies and 5 mars bars and washing it down with a gallon of coke, but certainly I seemed to be eating plenty and not getting hungry and I wasn't hitting my targets for the pedometer.

Not that the pedometer is proving particularly accurate. My best guesstimate is that it's about 10% inaccurate, but the main problem is that it's not consistent in its inaccuracy.

There was one day last week where I know for a fact I did more steps than the day before, because I walked around the field 3 times in the morning, rather than 2. The days were otherwise no different, yet the earlier day it recorded some 400 more steps than the day after.

But the real problem was that on both of those days the steps were well below the targets I've set.

So you see my fear - I wasn't sure about the first measurement, I'd not been as hungry as I had the week before and I'd also not hit my step targets. However, I was genuinely delighted to find I'd lost a further 2 pounds when I measured myself on Sunday!

Until my landlord dropped the bombshell, as discussed yesterday, I was really chuffed with this.

Well, actually I was still pretty chuffed, it's just that my focus was on the problem at hand. I guess the upside, though is that all that box moving and sorting I did was quite knackering. Plus on the bank holiday I did loads of walking (enough to safely put me above the 10,000 steps thing, in fact).

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