Thursday 2 September 2010

a weird effect

Despite being a bank holiday weekend, I didn't watch any films.

Part of the problem was that I was without a rental DVD, but also, as discussed, I had the sudden problem of box sorting and moving to cope with, so I didn't have as much free time as I'd thought.

Which isn't to say I didn't watch anything - I actually watched loads. First off there was the Grand Prix of course, but I also finished off the first season of Code Geass, which was spectacularly good. I also even started watching the second season of My Name Is Earl.

I'd forgotten that Earl was so good in those first two seasons. My memory is that seasons 3 and 4 really seemed to loose their way, so it was a pleasant surprise to find season 2 was really good. Well, it starts good - I watched it on TV, but I've not got very far with the DVDs so it may be that it tails off - I can't remember.

Anyway, the real point of this post was to make up for the lack of a review by talking a little about the whole weight thing yet again.

I know, it's kinda boring already, but I thought I'd mention some of the weirder things.

First off, I keep having bouts of feeling really amazing. In the very first week I was really tired all the time. I put this down to the combination of suddenly exercising where I'd done nothing before, but also I was having real problems sleeping.

Well, the sleeping seems to have sorted itself, so that may be the reason, but I've generally been feeling really good and some days I feel amazing. I'm used to feeling awful - most days before I started this I would feel down and tired all the time. Even if I'd had loads of sleep, I'd still feel knackered. But now, even on the days I'm not super high I still feel pretty good.

I can only really put it down the exercise. Id' heard that this happened, but it's weird when you think about it - you feel like you've got more energy even though you're actually burning off more calories.

I also read something about how the whole weight loss thing works and suddenly I sort of understand it better than I did before.

Basically, one pound of body fat equates to about 3,500 calories.

Now, for an adult man, the recommended calorie intake is 2,500 calories. So, if you go on a diet that's 500 calories a day less, then 7 * 500 = 3,500 calories, so you would expect to loose 1 pound a week.


And what's more, if you add exercise in as well and burn, say, another 500 calories a day then that's another pound a week.

Although that is where it gets more complicated - how much exercise (walking in my case, obviously) you have to do in order to burn that 500 calories seems to be the source of much debate.

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