Thursday 3 February 2011

cream cake? don't mind if I do... several times...

Yes, as I hinted on Tuesday I had a seriously bad week, last week.

No, that's not actually true. It started off as a spectacularly good week - I stuck 100% to my diet and have also worked out a way for me to do a reasonable bit of walking during the week and I took full advantage of this.

See, I had that goal of finally hitting my first target weight and it was my initial aim to loose the four pounds needed to in one week, rather than the two dictated by my new plan.

The trouble started on Friday night. See, having had a super start to the week, from Friday night until Sunday night I totally fell of the wagon. And I really do mean that - when alcoholics use that phrase, you know it means that they didn't just have 1 pint, they went on some huge bender.

In my case I consumed several cream cakes and supermarket sandwiches (which are always deceptive as you tend to think sarnis are healthy, but they're not) and even several packets of 'normal' crisps.

It really was similar to a binge. And what made it worse was because I was spending all my time at work, sat on my arse, I wasn't doing any significant walking either.

The net result of this was that when I weighed myself on Sunday I hadn't actually lost a single pound. In other words, all that being good was then counter-balanced by my being bad.

To be honest, I've actually a sneaking suspicion that I would have lost one pound if I'd been able to muster the energy to go for a walk first thing Sunday morning. Normally, first thing Saturday and Sunday morning I like to go for a walk, but this last Sunday I was sufficiently shattered that I just laid there until it was apparent I needed to get up to go to work.

Previously when I've failed to do the Sunday walk I've then lost a surprising amount the next week, backing up my point that weighing yourself in exactly the same circumstances each week is highly important.

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