Tuesday 5 April 2011

i forgetted

I forgot to post a blog post yesterday.

No particular reason. I did get wrapped up in some stuff at work, but I could probably have made the time, I just forgot.

It was a very bitty weekend, doing all sorts of odds and sods that generally didn't take very long but also aren't particularly interesting.

For example, I put a bunch of stuff on e-bay. This meant taking it out of the shed and sorting through it and taking and editing photos and writing the description and posting them up. None of which, as I say, is very interesting, but it took quite a while to do, all told.

I also spent quite a while editing together scans with photo stitch. I'm not sure I'll actually follow through with it, but I had the notion of processing all the scans I've done so far. I basically scanned the last magazine that means I've now finished two thirds of 2010. Or, to put it another way, I've done up to the end of august-2010.

This seemed like a fairly good point to stop and do all the stitching together. I've already done quite a lot of it, but despite spending several hours at it I probably only got through about a quarter of what I've got to do. I was pleased that photo stitch only threw one wobbly during that time, though. Why it worked fine for so long I still have no idea, though.

I also watched a lot of telly. In fact, I basically watched all of the recorded telly I had saved up. Well, actually I've still got the entire third series of Being Human to watch, but I'm deliberately leaving that for the Easter and other holiday period at the end of this month.

The amount f new telly also generally appears to be thinning out a bit. I'm very hopeful that the summer will be minimal in terms of telly worth watching and I'll use the time to watch animu.

At the moment, while I'm watching a lot of stuff, most of it has been via crunchyroll. I've also been downloading a handful of fansubs as some series either aren't available in the UK as streaming (boo) or nobody has them for streaming (double boo). I'll probably do a round up of fansub stuff tomorrow.

So yeah, bit of a rubbish, bitty weekend. To be honest, I think I did a bit much, as I felt knackered all yesterday and am tired today too. I also didn't go for my afternoon walk on Sunday as I was feeling knackered.

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