Tuesday 20 September 2011

too much to watch

Yesterday I ended with a mention that I was selling a bunch of stuff on e-bay.

One thing this did throw into sharp relief was that I’d started slipping with my anime watching.  Part of this was because there’s been a load of stuff I’ve wanted to watch on TV, but another big part is of course that I’ve had so much work to do.  I’d actually thought I may need to come in this last weekend, but in the end I thought - no, I need the break.

Something that was pleasing, though, was that even though the Saturday was again intense and physically demanding I wasn’t shattered on Sunday.  Well, I was tired, but not like I had been in previous weeks.

This was part of what enabled me to do the e-baying.  I’d tried a couple of weeks before, but had found it all too much and not done it.

Anyway, what I was really going to say was that it became apparent when I was e-baying that I hadn’t really watched much anime or read much manga since I’d last done a proper session.  I mean, I have watched and read some bits, but certainly I realised that all the other stuff had really knocked the wind out of my sails.

Of course, the flipside is that I’ve now managed to really bight into the stack of TV stuff I’ve recorded and not managed to find the time to watch.  In particular I’ve gotten about half way into the recent Torchwood series.

It’s been quite good so far.  I have to say it’s been a little slow if I’m totally honest.  It would probably have worked if it was more like the Children one, or even if it was maybe 6 episodes, rather than 10.  However, it really seems to have ramped up in the last few episodes I’ve watched, and we’re also starting to get into the proper conspiracy stuff.

I mean, there was conspiracy before (I assume I’m okay with talking about this as I’m sure if you were even vaguely interested you’d have been watching.  Well, okay, I wasn’t, but I have my reasons.), but it was about a pharmaceutical company being evil, and big corp being evil is hardly original or even very torchwood as it’s not really alieny.  But it looks like we're about to get onto the proper underlying conspiracy stuff.

It also seems to have gotten a bit darker.  The children one was very bleak and I’m kinda hoping we get that way with this one as so far it’s not really focused on the nastier side of the story it’s telling.

But anyway, point is that I also rationalised some stuff I was recording and having made a real big dent in my stuff to watch, I’m hoping that very soon I’ll be able to start watching anime again and then I’ll have some more stuff to sell as we get towards Christmas.  Blimey, I said the Christmas word.  It’s ages off, but e-bay’s free listing weekends aren't that often and it’s nice to take advantage of them as it can really boost the money I make.

They’re one of the few good things e-bay does.

And on a vaguely related note, my lovely fired Ezy suggested I take some photos of my freshly re-reorganised shelves (they’re the ones with all the anime on - it’s a thin link, but a link none the less) and I’ll probably have a go at that at some point too.  Although to be frank, they’re a bit difficult to really photo in a way that’s easy and clear, because there’s multiple layers of stuff so it’s not really visible.

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