Friday 24 January 2014

i fucked up

So I've fucked up at work.

Basically, that work I did last weekend was for a framework submission.  There's a lot of background, but basically it seems I made an error right at the beginning that meant the template document we were working from was wrong.

Specifically a group of questions were missing.

We then worked on this basis, but when I finally came to upload it I discovered this omission. But this was Sunday lunch time. And I didn't know what to do.

I had two basic options:

1.    I could call my boss.  This would have caused an almighty flap and waving of arms and I would have gotten in trouble.

2.    Or I could just generate answers for the missing questions and upload it and cross my fingers that no-one would notice.

So I did the second.

And it backfired mightily.

Yesterday it transpired that the portal was messed up and they sent us an e-mail listing the questions out and saying they would be assessing it manually.  Of course, this list included the questions I'd missed... and someone noticed.

Initially (and this was where I compound the error and it becomes a fuck-up) I lied and said I hadn't seen the additional question.

What I hadn't realised though was that my boss would instantly launch into an attack on the people whose tender it was saying we'd never seen the questions and the whole competition should be pulled.

And so I had to come clean.

I mean, I could have gone on lying, but there was too much evidence that I was lying.  Truth be told I kinda new it would all come out eventually.  I never catch the lucky breaks.

So I fucked up and I await the consequences.

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