Wednesday 25 June 2008

One of those days

I'm having one of those days where I can't quite seem to get started on anything and stick with it.

It's a bit like a cross between boredom and listlessness.

I keep saying, "I know, I'll work on that!" And then I either open the file and instantly go "Nah, can't be arsed with that... I wonder if anything new has been posted on the forums?" or, worse, I don't even open the file up.

And this also applies to the distractions I use to clear my head as well. Often times at work I'll do something completely non-work related for quarter of an hour or so to help clear my brain of clag. It's a bit like distracting myself with something that's actually interesting.

But today I can't even focus on these. It was even difficult coming up with anything to put in the old bloggage.

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