Tuesday 17 June 2008

those little tubes of cancer

I could be a smoker.

I mean, I am a smoker, I guess, but not a proper smoker. Currently I get through an average of around 5 cigarettes a week - so basically a pack of 20 lasts me a month. I used to smoke as a 'social smoker,' which basically means I smoked when I drank, but--partly due to the ban on smoking in public spaces--I don't really do that any more.

However, something I've found is that one of the most enjoyable things in the world is smoking while writing.

It's difficult to explain quite why it is, but for some reason the two activities just seem to go well together. While you're thinking of the next bit, you can take a draw on the cancer tube - it just seems to work.

So perhaps it's a good thing that I'm such a flake when it comes to getting things done - otherwise I might be on 20 a day!

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