Friday 12 December 2008

my super ex-girlfriend

I knew I'd forgotten to blog about something, and it was the rental DVD I watched this last weekend - My Super Ex Girlfriend.

As ideas for films go, this one's a pretty good one. It's pretty much all contained in the title so it doesn't need much explanation from me.

It's essentially a rom-com, as you'd expect, but with the twist that one of the girls is super-powered. The character is played by Uma Thurman, who I kinda have issues with. She's hot looking, but I don't really rate her as an actress; however, having said that I thought this was about one of the best performances I've seen her give.

The other actors were all top-notch and the characters were generally great. I also thought that the basic plotting was pretty good, although for me it was a little under-done. Normally I complain about films being too long nowadays, running at well over two-hours when really they could easily be 1.5 hours. This film could have done with some more fleshing out - especially with some of the more minor characters.

I think this was more to do with them cramming quite a lengthy arc in. The title is super ex-girlfriend, but it's a surprisingly log time before she actually become ex. Perhaps if it had started closer to that point they would have had more time to devote to some of the characters.

The worst hit by this is Eddie Izzard's character, who is ostensibly the bad guy. But the thing is we don't really see him doing anything bad, as such, and he's pretty poorly fleshed out. There's kinda reason for that because of the end, but still, that whole side of it is quite unsatisfying.

I was also slightly prejudiced against the film in that when I read Kevin Smith's recent diary book he indicated that he'd basically had the same idea at a similar time but had not gotten his arse in gear to make the film. As such, because I'm such a fan of Smith I couldn't help wondering if his take wouldn't have been a lot better - even though this wasn't really bad as such.

Extras were a bit flimsy, I have to say - a couple of featurretes, basically.

Still, if you're after a rom-com that's not too heavy and a bit different from the norm then this is a pretty good film to go for, I think.

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