Tuesday 9 December 2008

tap that!

So break out the party streamers and the booze juice - my work colleague who taps his feet all the bloody time is gone. Well, by that I mean is he's on contract somewhere and so will no longer be driving me insane with his thumper impression for at least 6 months. Six whole months of blissful tap-free-ness! Huzzah!

It was the company Christmas lunch yesterday. The food was all perfectly reasonable, but it wasn't all that much fun. The problem is I think the bosses had decided to use it as a sort of networking opportunity so there were loads of people who I've never met there before.

Which is okay, I guess, but I'd have preferred a smaller thing - we occupied the entire room and it was a bit bewildering when all you want to do is cram down some turkey and Christmas pud.

Still, it's a lot better than nothing, which is what I understand a lot of companies are doing with the whole credit crunch thing.

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